Results for 'Mehmet Hicabi Seçki̇ner'

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    İslam Hukukuna Göre Seyahat (Turizm) Özgürlüğünün Anlamlandırılması Bağlamında Seyahat Kavramının Kur’'n-ı Kerim Perspektifinden Analizi.Mehmet Hicabi Seçki̇ner - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi.
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    Kant’ta Mutluluğun Ahlaki Kılınması ile Ahlaklılık Temelinde Kurulan Dinsellik.Mehmet Fatih Elmas - 2022 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):82-101.
    Düşünce tarihinin neredeyse her döneminde insanı ahlaki bir faile dönüştürebilmek amacıyla çeşitli kuramlar geliştirilmiştir. Bu kuramlarda genel olarak insanın ahlaki bir ilkeyi kendi eylemsellik alanına tatbik etmesi için gerekli olan şeyin ve erdemli davranışlarla erişilmesi hedeflenen mutluluğun ne olduğu üzerine bir düşünme faaliyeti gerçekleşir. Geliştirilen yanıtlar arasında şüphesiz çok seçkin bir yere sahip olan kuram, Kant’a aittir. Kant’a göre doğa alanında eğilim ve isteklere bağlı davranışlarla amaç olarak mutluluğa ulaşmak, insanı ahlaklı kılmaz. Bu bakımdan, insanı mutlu kılan şeyin değil, onu (...)
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  3. Inconsistency and Ambiguity in Republic IX.Mehmet M. Erginel - 2011 - Classical Quarterly 61 (2):493-520.
    Plato’s view on pleasure in the Republic emerges in the course of developing the third proof of his central thesis that the just man is happier than the unjust. Plato presents it as the “greatest and most decisive” proof of his central thesis, so one might expect to find an abundance of scholarly work on it. Paradoxically, however, this argument has received little attention from scholars, and what has been written on it has generally been harshly critical. I believe that (...)
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    Tanrı’nın Varlığını Kanıtlamanın (İsb't-ı V'cib) Kel'm Bilgi Teorisindeki Yeri: Kādî Abdülcebb'r Örneği.Mehmet Bulgen - 2022 - Marifetname 9 (1):13-53.
    Tanrı’nın varlığı kanıtlama (isbât-ı vâcib) kelâm ilminin diğer tüm meselelerin kendisine dayandığı en başta gelen gayesidir. Kelâmcıların özelliği inşa ettikleri bir bilgi teorisi ekseninde bunu ortaya koymaya çalışmalarıdır. Kelâmda mevcut, ma’dum, kadîm, muhdes, cevher, araz gibi ontolojik kavramların daha genelde bilinenler (malumat) kümesinin unsurları olmasından da anlaşılacağı üzere kelamcılar Tanrı’nın varlığı konusunu bilgiye konu olmak bakımından ele almaktadırlar. Bu durum kelâmcılara göre Allah’ın varlığının bilgisine (marifetgullah) ulaşmanın bir epistemoloji meselesi olduğunu ortaya koyar. Bu makalede Mu’tezile kelamında önemli bir yeri olan (...)
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    An Example of Ottoman Tafsir Literature: Tafsir in “Sharh al-Manẓumah” of Mehmet Shah Fan'rî.Mehmet ÇİÇEK - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1229-1244.
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  6. Why blame?Mehmet Gurdal, Joshua B. Miller & Aldo Rustichini - unknown
    We provide experimental evidence that subjects blame others based on events they are not responsible for. In our experiment an agent chooses between a lottery and a safe asset; payment from the chosen option goes to a principal who then decides how much to allocate between the agent and a third party. We observe widespread blame: regardless of their choice, agents are blamed by principals for the outcome of the lottery, an event they are not responsible for. We provide an (...)
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  7. There may be strict empirical laws in biology, after all.Mehmet Elgin - 2006 - Biology and Philosophy 21 (1):119-134.
    This paper consists of four parts. Part 1 is an introduction. Part 2 evaluates arguments for the claim that there are no strict empirical laws in biology. I argue that there are two types of arguments for this claim and they are as follows: (1) Biological properties are multiply realized and they require complex processes. For this reason, it is almost impossible to formulate strict empirical laws in biology. (2) Generalizations in biology hold contingently but laws go beyond describing contingencies, (...)
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    Theory of Justice, OCB, and Individualism: Kyrgyz Citizens.Mehmet Ferhat Özbek, Mohammad Asif Yoldash & Thomas Li-Ping Tang - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (2):365-382.
    Research suggests that organizational justice has important impacts on work-related attitudes and behaviors, such as organizational citizenship behavior. In this article, we explore the extent to which individualism moderates the relationship between organizational justice and OCB among citizens in Kyrgyzstan. We make additional contributions to the literature because we know very little about these constructs in this former Soviet Union country, Kyrgyzstan, an under-researched and under-represented region of the world. Results of our data collected from 402 managers and employees in (...)
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    Understanding the Factors Affecting Sustainable Energy Action Plan: A Case Study From the Covenant of Mayors Signatory Municipality in the Aegean Region of Turkey.Mehmet Efe Biresselioglu & Muhittin Hakan Demir - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study presents the case of a Metropolitan Municipality in the Aegean Region of Turkey, which undertook a series of initiatives to conduct projects on environmental protection and sustainability. This case study was conducted as two separate studies as a part of Horizon 2020-funded ECHOES project under Work Package 6, aiming to gain insight into the collective magnitudes of energy-related choices and behavior. The starting point of the process is marked, in 2015, by the municipality becoming a party to the (...)
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    Reductionism in Biology: An Example of Biochemistry.Mehmet Elgin - 2010 - In Thomas Uebel, Stephan Hartmann, Wenceslao Gonzalez, Marcel Weber, Dennis Dieks & Friedrich Stadler (eds.), The Present Situation in the Philosophy of Science. Springer. pp. 195--203.
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    Failure to Obtain Reinstatement of an Olfactory Representation.Mehmet K. Mahmut & Richard J. Stevenson - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (8):1940-1949.
    It has long been suspected that attentional processes differ between olfaction and the other senses. Here, we test whether voluntary dishabituation, seen, for example, when we re-attend to the ticking of a clock, can occur in olfaction. Participants were seated in an odorized room, where at various intervals they had to evaluate what they could smell. An experimental group had one nostril open and the other closed, except during the evaluations, so that the closed side was subject to centrally driven (...)
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    The Place of Wisdom In the Philosophy of Religion.Mehmet Önal - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 45:239-250.
    In this paper, I will try to make clear that aspect of wisdom which relates to the practical application of revealed commands through prophetic practices and traditions of the other founders of religions. Here, I also refer to the wisdom in the Qur’an and the Old and New Testaments of the Bible as examples of the use of this concept in religion. Although both philosophy and religion require using the form of wisdom within a holistic approach, in the course of (...)
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    Ethics and Law: Reassessment on the Legal Positivism.Mehmet Tevfik Ozcan - 2014 - Philosophy Study 4 (2).
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    İki Dilli Türk Öğrencilerin Yazılı Anlatım Becerilerine Yönelik Bir Durum Çalışması.İ Seçkin Aydin - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 9):657-657.
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    Pragmatic Classification Of The Texts In Turkish Course Books.İ Seçkin Aydin - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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    Öğretmen Adaylarının Yazılı Anlatım Öz Yeterliklerine İlişkin Ölçek Geliştirme Çalışması.İ Seçkin Aydin - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):139-139.
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    The Metaphors That Turkish Student Teachers Use Concerning "Teacher" and "Student" Concepts.İ Seçkin Aydin - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:818-842.
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    The Gezi Park Protests as a Pluralistic “Anti-Violent” Movement.seçkİn sertdemİr özdemİr - 2015 - The Pluralist 10 (3):247-260.
    a new era of public protest began in 1999 with the Seattle World Trade Organization (WTO) demonstrations, and continued through the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protests and the 2013 Gezi Park insurrection in Istanbul. This new era of demonstrations differed from movements that had come before in the understanding of politics employed by the protesters, reconstructing popular imaginations about the future, bringing about a reconsideration of politics, its domain, and time itself. This article investigates the Occupy Gezi movement that began (...)
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  19. Cartwright on explanation and idealization.Mehmet Elgin & Elliott Sober - 2002 - Erkenntnis 57 (3):441 - 450.
    Nancy Cartwright (1983, 1999) argues that (1) the fundamental laws of physics are true when and only when appropriate ceteris paribus modifiers are attached and that (2) ceteris paribus modifiers describe conditions that are almost never satisfied. She concludes that when the fundamental laws of physics are true, they don't apply in the real world, but only in highly idealized counterfactual situations. In this paper, we argue that (1) and (2) together with an assumption about contraposition entail the opposite conclusion (...)
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  20. Beşir Fuad and His Opponents: The Form of a Debate over Literature and Truth in Nineteenth-Century Istanbul.Mehmet Karabela - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Literature 8 (1):96-106.
    One and a half months after Victor Hugo died in 1885, Beşir Fuad published a biography of him, in which Fuad defended Emile Zola’s naturalism and realism against Hugo’s romanticism. This resulted in the most important dispute in nineteenth-century Turkish literary history, the hakikiyyûn and hayâliyyûn debate, with the former represented by Beşir Fuad and the latter represented by Menemenlizâde Mehmet Tahir. This article focuses on the form of this debate rather than its content, and this focus reveals how (...)
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    Antik Çağın Sunakları: Rigveda’da Kurban ve İcrası.Mehmet Masatoğlu - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 66:39-63.
    Rigveda, Hint alt kıtasının en eski metinlerinden biri olarak, antik Vedik dönemin dini, felsefi ve kültürel yaşamına dair paha biçilmez bilgiler sunar. Bu kutsal kitap, karmaşık ilahiler, ritüeller ve mitolojik anlatılar yoluyla Hindistan’ın manevi ve düşünsel mirasının temellerini şekillendirir. Bu çalışma, Hint kültürünün köklerini ve gelişimini anlamada kritik bir rol oynayarak, yüzyıllar boyunca süregelen dini ritüeller, sosyal yapılar ve kozmolojik anlayışların şekillenmesine dair önemli veriler sunar. Makale, Rigveda’da yer alan Vedik yacña (kurban) ritüelini mercek altına alır; özellikle Soma kurbanının detaylı (...)
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  22. (2 other versions)Non-Substantial Individuals in Aristotle's Categories.Mehmet M. Erginel - 2004 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 26:185-212.
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    Looking at the evidence in visual world: eye-movements reveal how bilingual and monolingual Turkish speakers process grammatical evidentiality.Seçkin Arslan, Roelien Bastiaanse & Claudia Felser - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Modernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos by Thaddeus J. Kozinski.Mehmet Ciftci - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):966-970.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Modernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos by Thaddeus J. KozinskiMehmet CiftciModernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos by Thaddeus J. Kozinski (Brooklyn, NY: Angelico, 2019), 231 pp.Whether the names Adrian Vermeule, Fr. Edmund Waldstein, and Sohrab Ahmari provoke anxiety or glee in readers' minds will depend on where they stand on integralism, the brand of Catholic traditionalism that all three have (...)
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    Our Policy and Philosophy of Education by B. A. Çetinkaya.Mehmet Deri - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:1):250-254.
    Tanzimat’la başlayan eğitim felsefesi ve politikamız, Batı eksenli bir seyir içerisine girmiştir. Cumhuriyet’e kadar yürütülen iyileştirme ve ıslah çalışmaları ise kayda değer bir gelişme gösterememiştir. Osmanlı dönemindeki birtakım önemli girişimler ve düzenlemeler, Cumhuriyet dönemini hazırlamıştır. Islahat, Meşrutiyet ve Cumhuriyet dönemleri, Batılı paradigmaların çevresinde eğitimi konumlama ve kodlama çalışmalarıyla sürmüşse de bu eğitim paradigmasının manevî ve yerli/millî değerlerden kopuk, pozitivist eksenli olması eğitimde beklenen olumlu neticeyi vermemiştir. Bir ülkenin eğitim politikası, o ülkenin önem verdiği ve eğitim sistemine de yansımış olan değerlerle (...)
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  26. Causal, A Priori True, and Explanatory: A Reply to Lange and Rosenberg.Mehmet Elgin & Elliott Sober - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (1):167-171.
    Sober [2011] argues that some causal statements are a priori true and that a priori causal truths are central to explanations in the theory of natural selection. Lange and Rosenberg [2011] criticize Sober's argument. They concede that there are a priori causal truths, but maintain that those truths are only ‘minimally causal’. They also argue that explanations that are built around a priori causal truths are not causal explanations, properly speaking. Here we criticize both of Lange and Rosenberg's claims.
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    The Emergence of Modern Dialectic.Mehmet Karabela - 2013 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 8.
  28. Ibn al-Rawandi.Mehmet Karabela - 2013 - In Ibrahim Kalin (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Science, and Technology in Islam. Oxford University Press.
    Abū al-Ḥusayn Aḥmad b. Yaḥyā Ibn al-Rāwandī(815–860 or 910), perhaps one of the most controversial figures in early Islamic history, is frequently called the “arch-heretic” (zindīq or mulḥid) of Islam. He was born in Khurasan around 815 CE. but flourished among intellectuals in ninth century in Baghdad. Around the year 854, he left Baghdad to escape political persecution and died either in 860 or in 910, according to some sources. The details of his early life are unknown, and documentation of (...)
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  29. Committee Decisions with Partisans and Side-Transfers.Mehmet Bac & Parimal Kanti Bag - 2002 - Theory and Decision 52 (3):267-286.
    A dichotomous decision-making context in committees is considered where potential partisan members with predetermined votes can generate inefficient decisions and buy neutral votes. The optimal voting rule minimizing the expected costs of inefficient decisions for the case of a three-member committee is analyzed. It is shown that the optimal voting rule can be non-monotonic with respect to side-transfers: in the symmetric case, majority voting is optimal under either zero, mild or full side-transfer possibilities, whereas unanimity voting may be optimal under (...)
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    B.A. Çetinkaya, İsl'm Ahl'k Esasları ve Felsefesi.Mehmet Deri - 2021 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 11 (11:2):999-1006.
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    Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretiminde Şiir Etkinliklerinin Kültürel İşlevi.Özge Seçkin Polat - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 7):815-815.
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    Hilmi Ziya Ülken'in Varlık Felsefesi.Mehmet Vural - 2009 - Kavaklıdere, Ankara: Beyaz Kule.
    PREFACE WORD -/- Hilmi Ziya Ülken was born and educated in Istanbul during the last period of the Ottoman Empire and worked in many fields of the intellectual life of the newly established Republic. Although he was interested in many fields of social sciences, he gained fame in the fields of Turkish thought and Islamic philosophy, and undertook important tasks in revealing and introducing medieval Islamic thinkers and post-Tanzimat Turkish thought. Again, due to his deep knowledge of Eastern and Western (...)
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    La temporalité et la civilité chez Balibar.Seçkin Sertdemir Özdemir - 2015 - Rue Descartes N° 85-85 (2):191-202.
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    Plato's Parmenides reconsidered.Mehmet Tabak - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Plato's Parmenides is very commonly read as a turning-point in Plato's philosophical development. Most contemporary scholars agree with the view that Plato seriously criticizes his theory of Forms in this dialogue. According to some proponents of this view, Plato deemed these criticisms too damaging to his theory of Forms, and subsequently abandoned this theory. Other proponents of the serious-self-criticism view argue that, instead of abandoning his theory of Forms, Plato lays the foundations of a new and improved theory of Forms (...)
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  35. Akrasia and conflict in the Nicomachean Ethics.Mehmet Metin Erginel - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (4):573-593.
    In Nicomachean Ethics VII, Aristotle offers an account of akrasia that purports to salvage the kernel of truth in the Socratic paradox that people act against what is best only through ignorance. Despite Aristotle’s apparent confidence in having identified the sense in which Socrates was right about akrasia, we are left puzzling over Aristotle’s own account, and the extent to which he agrees with Socrates. The most fundamental interpretive question concerns the sense in which Aristotle takes the akratic to be (...)
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  36. The Intrinsic Normativity of Law in Light of Kant`s Doctrine of Right.Mehmet Ruhi Demiray - 2016 - Con-Textos Kantianos 3:161-187.
    This paper claims that a particular interpretation of Kant`s legal-political philosophy, as it is presented in his Doctrine of Right, provides us with the much needed resolution to the question of the normativity of law, precisely because it brings in a perspective that avoids both positivism and ethicism. This particular interpretation follows a strategy of argumentation that I call the “argument for the intrinsic normativity of law”, i.e., the argument that law is defined and justified on its own grounds, without (...)
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    Ubeydullah Efgani Örneğinde Milliyetçiliğin Bir Din Adamındaki Yansımaları.Mehmet ÇOG - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 9):145-145.
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  38. Biology and a priori laws.Mehmet Elgin - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):1380--1389.
    In this paper, I investigate the nature of a priori biological laws in connection with the idea that laws must be empirical. I argue that the epistemic functions of a priori biological laws in biology are the same as those of empirical laws in physics. Thus, the requirement that laws be empirical is idle in connection with how laws operate in science. This result presents a choice between sticking with an unmotivated philosophical requirement and taking the functional equivalence of laws (...)
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    The Evaluation of Quranic Statements Related to Satan Discortion in terms of Freedom of Will.Mehmet Emin Günel - 2019 - Kader 17 (1):185-206.
    There are statements in the Qur'an that Satan has an influence on human will. In many verses, it is recalled that the devil and his followers are the greatest enemy of mankind, and they set up traps to mislead humans. The expressions that are related to these satans from humans and demons make people think that they are desperate against their traps and cause some questions about whether human beings have full freedom in their actions. As a matter of fact, (...)
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    The Impact of Islamic Spirituality on Job Satisfaction and Organisational Commitment: Exploring Mediation and Moderation Impact.Mehmet Asutay, Greget Kalla Buana & Alija Avdukic - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (4):913-932.
    Research into spirituality and its impact on the work environment has been bourgeoning. In an attempt to explore the role of Islamic spirituality in the workplace, this study examines the influence of Islamic spirituality on job satisfaction and organisational commitment through work ethics. Data are obtained by an online Likert-scaled questionnaire survey based on one thousand Muslim employees from various economic sectors in Indonesia and analysed through structural equation modelling (SEM). The findings demonstrate that Islamic spirituality positively influences job satisfaction (...)
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    Ethics Teaching in Higher Education for Principled Reasoning: A Gateway for Reconciling Scientific Practice with Ethical Deliberation.Mehmet Aközer & Emel Aközer - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (3):825-860.
    This paper proposes laying the groundwork for principled moral reasoning as a seminal goal of ethics interventions in higher education, and on this basis, makes a case for educating future specialists and professionals with a foundation in philosophical ethics. Identification of such a seminal goal is warranted by the progressive dissociation of scientific practice and ethical deliberation since the onset of a problematic relationship between science and ethics around the mid-19th century, and the extensive mistrust of integrating ethics in science (...)
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  42. Siyaset, ahlak ve cemaatler: Anadolu Buluşmaları 9, Kuzuluk / 12-17 Ağustos 2014.Mehmet Alpcan (ed.) - 2015 - Fatih, İstanbul: Tire Kitap.
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    Muhammed Hamidullah’ın Aziz Kur’an Adlı Çevirisi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme.Mehmet Selim Ayday - 2020 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 8 (12):1-25.
    Kur’an-ı Kerim indirildiği günden bugüne hem muhtevası hem de üslubuyla gerek inananların gerekse inanmayanların hep ilgisini çekmiştir. Bu ilgi zamanla onun başka dillere tercümesini beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu tercüme faaliyetleri aynı şekilde hem Müslümanlar hem de Gayr-i Müslimler tarafından yapılmıştır. Kur’an-ı Kerim’in kendine has ve tarih boyunca benzerinin getirilemediği eşsiz bir üslubu vardır. Onun üslubunun eşsiz olması aynı zamanda başka dillere tercümesini de zorlaştırmaktadır. Ancak Kur’an hitabının tüm insanlara yönelik olması onun başka dillere tercümesini de zorunlu kılmıştır. Bugüne kadar farklı dillere (...)
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    Pourquoi j'aime Ibn ʹArabî: la quintessence de la philosophie d'Ibn ʹArabî.Mehmet Ali Ayni - 2016 - Alger: Librairie de Philosophie et de Soufisme.
  45. How Could There Be True Causal Claims Without There Being Special Causal Facts in the World?Mehmet Elgin - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (4):755-771.
    Some philosophers of physics recently expressed their skepticism about causation (Norton 2003b, 2007). However, this is not new. The view that causation does not refer to any ontological category perhaps can be attributed to Hume, Kant and Russell. On the other hand, some philosophers (Wesley Salmon and Phil Dowe) view causation as a physical process and some others (Cartwright) view causation as making claims about capacities possessed by objects. The issue about the ontological status of causal claims involves issues concerning (...)
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    Serpent Image in Viking and Indian Mythology.Mehmet Masatoğlu & Selahattin Özkan - 2019 - Dini Araştırmalar 22 (56):391-408.
    Snake or serpent is one the most widespread and oldest symbols which is known among different cultures folklore and mythology. As the role of symbolic notions is at the center of understanding any mythology, we would like to determine imagery meanings of the snake which could help researchers for knowing the myths more accurate and descriptive. Sometimes this motif represents the cycle of time and sometimes it does refer to Evil and even could be the symbol of divinity and eternity. (...)
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    Bir Hayat Felsefesi ve Mutluluk Öğretisi Olarak Sınıfsız Aylaklık.Mehmet Önal - 2019 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 9 (9:4):1073-1096.
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    Kazım Mechi’s Poem With Karachay Turkish: Yaralı Dag Kecisi.Mehmet Sari - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:2390-2410.
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    Narration by Samping in Divan Poetry.Mehmet Sari - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:837-850.
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    In Search of Patient Zero: Pseudo-Retranslation in Turkish Academic Works.Mehmet Yildiz - 2020 - Journal of Academic Ethics 19 (2):253-278.
    This is the first academic paper concerned with the description of intertranslational appropriations across non-literary works and to discuss this phenomenon from a novel conceptual perspective by suggesting the term “pseudo-retranslation”. “Drmrod”, a misspelling of Ormrod, served as the benchmark of the preliminary analysis to judge on the existence of pseudo-retranslations across the works. The corpus consists of one unreviewed article, two dissertations, five master’s theses, and seven articles. To identify the initial Turkish translation, Patient Zero, to detect the pseudo-retranslations (...)
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